

Morin Khuur (horse-head fiddle)

English part bellow

 モリン・ホール(馬頭琴)という楽器をご存じですか? これは、モンゴルの遊牧の民の間に 古くから伝わる民族楽器の一つで、 草原のチェロという異名を持つ、 2弦の擦弦楽器(弦をこすって音を出す楽器)です。

Batchuluun, a famous Mongolian player
( Sapporo Nov. 30 1994)

 その名の通り、ヘッドの部分に馬の頭の形の 飾りが付いています。 そればかりか、弓も弦も馬の尻尾の毛から出来ており、 遊牧民の生活と深く関わっている楽器です。  日本では「スーホの白い馬」というモンゴル民話に 基づく絵本によって広く知られています。 馬頭琴の起源は、この民話のように、愛馬の死を 悼む遊牧民が作ったとされるものや、 馬乳酒を撹拌する大きな杓子に皮を張って作ったと されるものなどが知られています。

Saga playing khoomii with morin khuur
(Shintotsukawa, Hokkaido June 9 1996)


 モリン・ホールについて非常に詳しい掲示板があります。泉さんの「モリンホーリック クラブ」をチェック!


Saga showing his green-leave-mark on the back of his morin khuur. (Do you know that beginner drivers must put this sticker on their cars for the first one year in Japan?)

 なお、のどうたの会は馬頭琴の入手ルートを確保しておりますので、御興味のある方は、どうぞ e-mail下さい。

A Mongolian player visited Saga's room? No. He is my Japanese friend ITO putting Mongolian traditional cloth on.

The Horsehead Nebula

Morin Huur

Do you know an insturment called Morin Huur, Horse-head Fiddle?
This is one of the traditional insturments of Mongolian and people. It is sometimes called "Cello of the grass field"

Batsaikhan, a famous Mongolian player

As the name shows, the head of this insturment is shaped as a horse head. What is more, the bow and string are both made of horse tails. It is strongly connected with the nomadic life of Mongolian and Tuvan people.
In Japan, this insturment is popular because most of the Japanese children read a picture book "Suuho no shiroi uma/White horse of Suux", based on Mongolian folk story. The origin of Morin Huur is said that, a man grieving his beloved horse made this as the story, or that a big dipper for mixing horse-milk bevarege is used to make the insturment.
It seems that not a few people are starting practicing Morin Huur these days.
We have succeeded to import Morin Huurs directly from Mongolia.
For more information, please e-mail to me!

Saga Haruhiko nodo@ma4.seikyou.ne.jp